HCI and Health

The vision for a dedicated HCI+Health Conference sponsored by SIGCHI. 

We are putting together a dedicated conference at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and healthcare. The HCI+Health conference will provide an opportunity for our community to develop scholarship on the topic, through knowledge sharing, perspective exchange, collaborations, and mentoring opportunities, to develop a truly global HCI+Health research agenda.

Learn more

Volunteer to help organize!

There are many jobs to do to help make this vision a reality, please volunteer to help! 

HCI + Health Townhalls

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on formats and structures for a potential SIGCHI-sponsored HCI+Health conference! We have posted a summary of the townhall discussion in Updates.

Results from a Community Survey of folks interested in an HCI+Health Conference. 

See an overview of survey the results or check it out on the Updates page. 

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